How to scare a mouse away

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Mice are one of those kinds of creatures that people don't want to see inside their home at all. Because of how messy these animals are and the fact that they can turn a few into a huge colony in no time at all, makes them a creature that you want to keep away from your home. You also have to worry about the diseases and parasites that they carry with them, which pose a risk to you, your family, and your pets.

Mice are one of those kinds of nuisance animals that you simply don't want around your home. They create a problem just by knowing that they are there, but when you at night and come face-to-face with one of these critters you want to do all you can to try to scare it away from you. Some mice will even come right up to you when you were sitting on the couch watching TV or working in the kitchen. As gutsy as that may seem it happens more frequently than you may know.

Clearly, you don't want a mouse coming up to try to make friends with you in your home. You wanted to go away so that you can then gather your thoughts and figure out how to resolve your mice problem. So, you want to know how to scare a mouse away?

Your first reaction, should you come across a mouse, is to not panic. A lot of people go running away screaming, making more of a fool of themselves than they are doing anything about their mouse situation. This is why your first reaction should be to stay cool.

Consider that the mouse is more likely afraid of you than you are of him or her. For some that may seem hard to believe, but that is the reality. You may really need to do nothing other than just stand there and wait for the mouse to go away. These creatures survive by living off the grid, and so staying away from you helps to keep them alive.

If that does not seem to work then there are a couple of quick things that you can do to speed their running away. The most sensible thing is to use your broom and sweep the past away. It does not matter whether the mouse is on the floor, on your counter, or running along the windowsill; your broom gives you the advantage of being able to stay a good distance away from the mouse while still being able to reach it and sweep it away.

If you do not have a broom that is handy, then any object that you have, including a pan, can work for you here. It is not recommended that you smash the thing, but if you are looking for a permanent solution immediately then this will work for you.

Once you have scared the mouse away, it is a good idea to know where it went to so that you can later resolve your problem permanently. For more information, you may want to read: How to get rid of mice - my main mouse removal info guide.

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