Tampa Pest Control Tampa Exterminator Clearwater St. Petersburg Hillsborough County Pinellas County

Tampa Exterminator

Extermination: We don't actually kill the animals that we deal with (with the exception of rats). We are very kind and humane to the wildlife that we deal with. We trap the critters in live cage traps, and then relocate them far outside the Tampa area. The only reason we'd ever advertise ourselves as a Tampa extermination company is because many people seek out an exterminator when they have a problem with a critter, such as squirrels or bats in the attic. What you really want is a licensed and insured nuisance wildlife control operator - that's us! We do not handle insect problems, nor do we use any poison in our work. We deal exclusively with mammals and reptiles. We trap them out of attics, from yards, under homes, etc. We remove baby raccoons by hand, trap armadillos digging under your shed, use one-way exclusion doors to evict bats, catch snakes, etc. We will exterminate your animal problem (make it go away for good - guaranteed) but we do not exterminate the animals. The only exception is rats, which we have to kill in the process. However, our technique is far more humane than the use of poison, which is not only ineffective as a permanent solution, but which causes rats to suffer - and it causes odor problems.   

Please call us any time regarding your rodent or wildlife problem in the Tampa Bay area, and we can schedule an appointment, usually same day or next day. We strive for the very best in customer service and professionalism, and we guarantee our work. For more rat conrol and extermination information, see the Tampa exterminator site, based in Tampa Bay, Florida.

All Tampa wildlife removal services are performed by All Pro Wildlife LLC, and based in Tampa FL, serving the entire Tampa Bay area, including Saint Petersburg Critter Pest Control and Clearwater Animal & Wildlife Removal. The owner of All Pro Wildlife trained extensively with the owners of AAAnimal Control, and he has our highest recommendation for wild animal removal work. Like us, All Pro Wildlife is not a pest control or extermination company, but a wildlife removal specialist, dealing only with animals, and not insects. We have a great deal of experience working with rodent and mice, and are expert Tampa rodent and mouse trappers. We do not provide rodent and mouse extermination, but practice humane removal, as well as control, exclusion, and prevention methods for Tampa rodent and mouse problems. We of course do Clearwater rodent and mouse control and St. Petersburg rodent and mouse removal as well, and service the entire Tampa Bay area including Hillsborough County and Pinellas County. Please call 813.404.7033 any time to discuss your wild critter problem and to schedule an appointment.

Here are some of the animals we handle:
Tampa Raccoon Removal
Tampa Squirrel Removal
Tampa Opossum Removal
Tampa Armadillo Removal
Tampa Rat Removal
Tampa Bird Removal
Tampa Bat Removal
Tampa Snake Removal
Tampa Dead Animal Removal